Do You Like Hitchcock%3F

Do You Like Hitchcock? orig. Ti piace Hitchcock? is a 2005 television movie directed by Dario Argento. The film is a homage to the acclaimed thriller film director Alfred Hitchcock.

In present day, Julio, now a young film student, is studying late at night when he spies on Sasha, an attractive neighbor girl as she undresses. The next morning, he makes love to his girlfriend Arianna. After she leaves, Julio spies on Sasha as she argues with her mother. Later, while renting Fritz Lang films for his thesis, he sees her by chance at the video store. She tries to rent Alfred Hitchcocks Strangers on a Train at the same time as another woman, Federica. The two talk and strike up a friendship.That night Julio sees Sasha watching her movies in the apartment across the street. Her mother tells her angrily to turn down the volume. Sasha meanders out to the balcony where she briefly sees Julio, who ducks back into his apartment. ........

Source: Wikipedia